PSL 2024: Players Exchange, Shan Masood Joined Karachi Kings and Faisal Akram joined Multan Sultans

PSL 2024: Players Exchange, Shan Masood Joined Karachi Kings and Faisal Akram joined Multan Sultans

Shan Masood has joined Karachi Kings and Faisal Akram has joined Multan Sultans for PSL 2024. Exchange of players happened for the upcoming event. 

Salman Iqbal welcomed the current test captain Shan Masood in the Karachi Kings Frachise and said “We are thrilled to welcome Shan Masood in the team”. He further said that they are looking forward to get maximum benefit from the experience of Pakistani Captain and are hopeful for the pursuit of success in the tournament.

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